MapleStory Finger Point

söndag 25 augusti 2013

FixarJocke – Version 13.08.25

It has been around one week since I made a blogpost and it’s about time for another one, right?!
So something that made me really happy today was getting back to streaming, and people who
tuned in today under this streaming session gave me tips. They said that I should just stream when
I feel like it, so it doesn’t feel that I most do it, feeling stressed about it and so on.

My viewers really care about me and they want the best for me, so they dont mind if it means that
they are getting less time watching my stream, atleast they know I feel better this way and they dont
get tired of too much of my stream. I got so many of them addicted to my stream so they missed out
on their daily habbits, just becuse they didn’t want to miss a secound of the stream. I do understand
that they want to spend time on it, becuse we always talk about serious and intressing stuff that can
go on for hours. There is never a boring time (if im not tired & lazy and non-active chat users online).

A few days ago I wanted to surprise everyone and without anything said, I just wanted to start
streaming and see who tuned in. But I was abit tired that day, so I left that to another day and that
streaming session was eariler today or yesterday depending how you see it.

I streamed for 11 hours and 32 minutes and I started off with some Minecraft for about 2½ hours,
then i played SWTOR with my swedish friends. After that I took a short time back to Minecraft and
basicly just talked alot about personal stuff and I gave some viewers tips about relationships and
some advice on computer stuff to get. And all that gave me 6 new followers and thats not
bad for taking a break for abit more then 2 months.

Subjects we got really into was to not be too shy in real life becuse it could mess your life up big time
later on. And also try to connect your bound with your parents, if it’s possible becuse they need to be
there when your down and help you get on your feet again. You need to have a person to turn to if its
a hard time and having a open and serious connection with your parent is really something you should
work hard for. Me and my mother have a great bound and I would say it’s really my bad dad who
made me choose to move from him and live with my mom when he was abusing me as a child.
She was always there even though I couldn’t open up all the time when I was little becuse
the subject was so hard to talk about at that time.

About being shy will affect you really alot later on when you grow up and it will be harder to get
new people around you like friends, partner and even getting a job. So train to talk to people
even if its hard, and i can talk abit about an experience I had with faceing cold water.
I still have fobia for cold water becuse my father forced showerd me in ice cold water becuse
I didnt want to sleep when i was younger at one point. And that still follows me around today,
but thats becuse I didn’t work against it. What I was told was something I didnt want to hear at
all, and it was to  get in contact with cold water and getting use to it. And that works with everything,
if something is hard and really heartbreaking, you need to face it to be able to controll it
better even if it takes alot of time healing that wound.

I hope make you as a reader understand what I’m saying but it’s what i have learned and i know its like this.
What I also told my viewers is its not all about the things you can get for money, but its also preparing your
life later on. So i told some of the younger viewers to try save up money so you have when you move out
from your parents appartment/house. So you can invest in your own stuff into the first new appartment your
getting. If i could redo all the money i had when i was little untill today, i would have saved up everything
almost becuse it really helps alot to be able to buy your own stuff when your finaly move out. Luckly me &
Caroline saved up together for an appartment and still buying stuff to improve the appartment and rebuilding
like everything from scratch. It cost alot of money & it takes time, so try think long and make good decisions in life.

I will stream later on today, no set time for that but I hope to see you there at some point.
And once again I would like to say thanks to Catman that linked me that video about stop
worrying so much. It really helped and made these past weeks now being so much better than
what I used to feel about my life and stuff. Now it’s time for bed for me!
Good morning folks, it’s now half past five in the morning haha..
I rate this day being awake: 10 out of 10 Skrattar

Is there anything you guys would like to ask or say, just go ahead and comment down below!

tisdag 13 augusti 2013

FixarJocke – Version 13.08.13

Dont have much time to read this blogpost? Then dont, just leave Ler med tungan ute becuse this one
is pretty long in my opinion. I start off with saying thanks to a stream viewer i had before
when i use to do that all day long.

A friend of mine gave me a link how to rethink the situation and it really nailed it.
That person in that clip talked about some people worry just in vain about things
that might happen. And when it doesn’t happen you could have felt better by just
take stuff as it comes. Just like take the day as it goes, go with the flow~
So yeah thanks alot Catman for linking that video, it helped me with rethinking
how not do act or do. So now the past 3-4 days have been much eaiser to go by
and it feels good to live even if there is so much that could have been better.
But if i see all the positive sides it really shine throu with all the things i have in my
life, and shouldn’t be light up by bad things around me.

I got myself a really nice girlfriend, bought an apartment, my gaming-setup is mostly
complete (my hobby is important for me), we traveled to Thailand last year and we
are going to the same spot onces again. Our appartment is getting pimped out and
later next year my girlfriend is getting a dog, so she keeps on saying she is super happy
about life and so should i feel. It’s abit harder when I always have worked like this with
thinking of things that might happen and darkness have been the bigger scale of my life.
So it’s really hard to break that habbit but I really do my best to change to something
better, or let’s say change the way of thinking that makes me feel better in the end.

I got less than 20 days to rest and train my body for next stage (what ever that will be).
So earilyer today, well yesterday becuse its past midnight Ler med tungan ute I went to the gym and it
was really good and everytime it goes well, I feel so happy about it becuse if the pain is
to strong i keep on skiping some training methods.

Well well, these past days have been good as i said before and me and some old internet
friends are currently playing SWTOR (Starwars the Old Republic) and we are screaming
and having so much fun  while playing. And it just feels like i have a good time so i will try
to enjoy this moment as much as i can and be happy. This weekend will i travel to my mom
and we are going to see a movie at the cinema Elysium i belive the name was of that movie.
Seems like a cool sc-fi movie but i think the trailers nowdays show 2 much of the film in them.
Well i belive the film will still be good but i dont like it when they lay their cards on showing
2 much on their trailers.

I will head over to my bed and i hope i dont dream about that creepy guy i dreamt about last
night, that took pictures throu our window and was peeking inside the appartment while me and
caroline was in the kitchen. So weird feeling when he took pictures and put it agianst the window
he had so we saw ourself on those photos on his window. This place in my dream was at my moms
place and that guy in that window was peeking at one time when i lived there. But i have no idea why
I dreamt about it last night haha.

And about those negative comments on my blog about that i shouldn’t write about the same boring
and non-fun stuff all the time and with all the problems i have on my blog. First i would like to say,
if you dont like the content dont read it. And what people do on their blogs is talk about their life.
And basicly its about their moments in life when they have a hard time to let it all out. Some are more
private than others and im open as a book as you all know. Repect me as I am, dont need people to
tell me what to do i guess you can stop beating on a person that already lays down and fix your
situation in life if you feel that you can mock someone ells on the internet. And this isn’t the first time
someone come and say those words so its nothing new. I have people around me that would like to know
what’s happening and whats going on inside my head. And i just share it with people here so i dont hafto
repeat myself like 3-4 times per day when something happend. So here is my middle finger for those bad
viewers on my blog, hope you liked it (I sure did) Rött hjärta

I love MysteriaSecrets comments on my previous posts haha Skrattar
Did taste one cake Caroline made a week ago or so, but I’m not so much for chocolate cakes.