MapleStory Finger Point

söndag 23 mars 2014

FixarJocke – Version 14.03.23

Yesterday we went to visit my mom in Göteborg aka Gothenburg (2nd biggest town in Sweden)
and it was the first time ever Max have been traveling with either buss or a train. And going from
a rather small city to a really big city with alot more people around made him abit nervous.

He looked at us everytime he got abit nervous and scared, if this place was okay or not.
And we told him that it was okay and all and in a minute or two while trying to walk away from
the trainstation, it was just fine for him to walk along with us and not just laying flat on the ground
as he did before. The buss was acting abit weird, so much noise from it, and he couldn’t care less
about the buss sound or all the waybumps on the road to my moms place. Such a good boy hehe.

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The thing about taking our dog to my moms place was abit scary for one reason.
My mom have a cat, and she doesn’t go along with strangers or other animals as far as we know.
That’s her territory and she didn’t like Max at all when he wanted to sniff and play with her haha.
So she become so fluffy and made some weird sounds becuse she was angry or disturbed Skrattar
It ended good and in the end she didn’t care about him.

Was a really nice day and this day have just past by and I have been playing abit Minecraft on
damnation. Also I played with my girlfriends cusin Niklas on Diablo, some hardcore trying to
help him get to max level before the Reaper of Souls come out. He almost got to max level
in a couple of hours questing from Act 1 to Act 4 Ler


When we got on the train btw, the person on the train that looks at your ticket got some nice kisses from
Max Blinkar She asked if it was a japanese spitz and when we said yes it is, she went down to pet him
and Max just went for it! “Oh what a lovely lady, time for some kissing!” hahaha.

fredag 21 mars 2014

FixarJocke – Version 14.03.21

Hey guys, just a quick update in my life whats going on right now.
For a couple of days I hanvn’t felt so good, might have a infection in my body or something.
My muscle is sore and my throat isnt well either. Poor me haha. But the only one that brings
me up from this boring state I’m in is Max and Caroline hehe Ler I feel so happy when they
are around me. Just look at Max for example, so fluffy even if he really likes to struggle alot
when we are out and walk him haha. I wasn’t really in the mood for a struggling dog before,
but he did what he needed to do outside and we went in. So tired now when I’m sick and I
have now went to bed really really earily lately. I guess thats normal to be in my current state.


Eariler this week I got a phone call from a lady *woho* haha just kidding. She works with
people at my work that have been home from work for along time, and she is trying to help
people out on diffrent jobs when the time is in. So after my rehab I know more (hopefully)
what I can do and how much I can handle without great pain and bursting out in tears. I did
that alot after my day was done at my last job I had in a general store becuse the pain just
gained during the day. And had to sleep it off to make it better sadly.. What a life huh?

Well about this call, she told me over the phone that there is alot of diffrent jobs in my town
where I live. Though seems like all of those jobs are cleaning jobs as I had before that didn’t
work out good for me and my back. I’m thinking like this: I know how its going to be, and
I might be able to work with that BUT for not that many hours per day becuse I WILL get
pain after those days but not as much as before if i decrease the amount of hours per day.
But the best would be to find something that works out for me so i can gain abit more money.
I hope you guys get my message, dont want to be on a workplace where I gain pain and less
money than a place I could handle okay, and still gain more money becuse I could work longer.

Me and Miranda from America are still mailing back and forth and its so nice.
Being able to get back to her and see how she is doing is great. Everyime she tells me something
positive I feel happy for her. Me and her have had some sad years with alot of struggling with our
family (for me just my fathers side) but in the end it all works out good if you stay strong. Though
it feels at those hard times that its never going to stop and you feel to just give up, but time will tell
and it will be better later on (mostly).
For example If I didn’t talk about my past about my abusing father and my childhood, I wouldn’t
be as strong as I am today and I would probbly so shy and frightened of talking to other people.
Becuse all these convos with diffrent people I have had, have made me like superman (not nearly
that strong but strong haha). So thats awesome, dont hold difficult subjects inside of you, you need
to open up and I promise you! It will be better later on..

Enough will me giving tips! MysteriaSecret asked me a random question:

”If you had the chance to move to a magical place where everything awesome you could
ever imagine, existed, but you had to leave this world and everybody here, would you do it?”

I wouldn’t trade my lovely monkey queen aka Caroline or Max or my family I have contact with
for a better magical place. But if it’s so magical and awesome, my family might exist there too?
If so, I would go rightaway! Super awesome, snacks and candly all day and its super healthy.
Oh gosh, would probbly puke all day? But if its a magical place it would be healthy aswell!
Hmm I belive thats an awesome answer to your questino Myst! Skrattar

onsdag 12 mars 2014

FixarJocke – Version 14.03.12

Just jumping into a later version of my life so quickly, I guess thats good time goes by fast nowdays.
Thinking of my rehab is getting closer is a good sign, so for now I’m trying to spend my days sleeping,
playing some games on the computer as always and alot of time with Max and abit more with Caroline.


Early in the morning around 4, I now often go out with Max to meet up with Caroline after she got
off from work. She is scared of being out in the darkness walking home alone and especially during
the weekend after work when some people are out and are drunk and what not. I totally understand
that and I would have been that too, though the dark isn’t a problem for me but I dont trust drunk or
people outside at later times (been beaten down by strangers for no reason before.. so yeah..).


Some of my gaming friends might read this blogpost and wounder, what kind of games do I play?
And I’ll tell you that it has been a boring time for some time now, now lately I have enjoyed playing
Minecraft FTB Unleashed with my girlfriend Caroline aka Monkey Queen and Anton abit.
But also 2 games are soon here to face me, Wildstar do now have a date set but it’s a couple of
months left (been waiting for some time now and I love the game so far). And also the new Diablo III:
Reaper of Souls is soon out (13 days left I belive untill release).

This is all for now and if you have any questions at all, just go ahead and ask away.
I dont mind at all, doesn’t matter what subject it will be, i’ll try answer as good as possible Ler