MapleStory Finger Point

torsdag 29 maj 2014

Life goes on–Version 14.05.29

So lately I have been super busy (didn’t knew I could manage that while being stuck at home without a work).
But I have been working alot on a webpage as I mention before in the changelogs here on the blog. I belive I wrote
that I would consider doing a webpage for our guild but I started and got help from a fan/friend from my stream.
He helped me out big time on PoE (almost like Diablo III but more in depth and hardcore game).

So here is what I have been spending my time on, lets go with the first design I made.


Uploaded it to my Facebook page (Like it if you havn’t done it yet hehe). And I got a comment, if you ever need any
help with the homepage, just say the word. And I asked him for help becuse it’s abit hard doing everything on your
own and no1 to work things out with. So he made a new design and said that I can rearrange it if I want to.
So this was his design and I picked that over mine, alot more nice and not as simple as what I did.


I will probbly host it when it’s more done, becuse now there is still things to add and it’s not near completed just yet.
Adding stuff later on is on the scheme and I know what I could add, but it feels like my deadline is closing in.
My own personal goal was to complete the site and host it before early access of Wildstar, but I didn’t have
enough time for that. So its going to be on hold for abit, kinda over worked my ass on that site haha.
But it might be me being abit sick also, thats why I feel like taking it abit easy on working with that.
Enough said about that, it looks promising at least.


My lovely girlfriend Caroline made this for Max from a old mattress.
She ordered fake leather cloth and attached it to the mattress and this was the result Skrattar
Let me just add the progress pictures she uploaded on her Facebook account here aswell.


Nice huh?
And Max isn’t one of those brave dogs, so he have had a distance to it.. Until today!
So after being out for a walk with Caroline, he was tired and wanted to lay down. But the floor wasn’t enough
for him, so I gently walked up to it and lay down in it, both me and Caroline had a smile on our face when that
happen Skrattar Some days ago I tried to trick him to go inside it with some dog treats, but he just jumped out from
it rightaway. Well he likes it abit now, and I hope he is going to use it at some point.


Got a call this morning (like nine a clock, was sleeping ofc) and it was a girl from the hospital.
She was asking me about the trainer I had before and that I might considering going back to him and train.
But it was all up to me if I wanted to, but another person I meet in another hospital said I should stay away
from the gym and take regular walks daily and if I want to swim, I need to take it in my own speed.
So two diffrent things I should be following what I should do, who do i choose to listen to?
Well I trained at the gym for around a year I belive, and almost everyime I had my backpain sky high
and had to sleep it away (only cure becuse I dont have any pills for it). And I didn’t like that method but
I did my best until I heard the other way to work with my body. Regular walks, sounds abit better and tried
it out and still do it (also becuse of Max, so I’m forced to it and thats a good thing).

Anyway she told me the desision was mine and all she wanted was that I should meet him again and talk to him.
But she lay everything up front like I shouldn’t take my walks for training, I should take my training at the gym.
But I explained that I have already tried it for one year (give or take) and this method with walking gives the
same result on my back without adding the pain after my “training”. I’m not stuck at home at all times and
do nothing, I do walk, follow my girlfriend to the store, help out at home and stuff even if I will have
pain later on. But I guess they dont know how my life is like even if I tell them how it’s like being me.
At the end of that annoying call (becuse she tried to talk me over with the gym thing) I desided to
meet with my old trainer I had and talk to him, I know he still care and he wants to know whats
going on and stuff. But I don’t like when people around you try to lay a finger in my life with my
thoughts and ideas, and it’s not becuse I’m cranky of anything. I felt she wasn’t suited for her
job with her attitude. Dont know if that makes any sence but what ever Ler med tungan ute


Aside to all the negative stuff around me or heavy things to deal with.
I feel good at this moment and things will be easier soon enough, and that will reveal soon enough here on
the blog. I’m talking about the surprise I wrote about some posts ago and all I gave you readers as hints
was: “It’s expensive and big” if I remember correctly. So in less than two weeks you will see what I mean!

söndag 18 maj 2014

So much is happening! – Version 14.05.18

SliskigTjej.140518.210340I’m super hooked for early access on Wildstar! I will tell you why Skrattar


In a game called Wildstar, will I once again lead a guild and I’m kinda happy about being a nice good leader.
I have been leading a guild back in the days for only Swedish players in another game and we wore the best
Swedish guild/clan out there on the server. We kicked people who was using exploits and hacks and
kept our guild clean for a nice reputation on the server, ofc people got banned from our guild
and kicked out after seeing screenshots as proof.


guild frame
People are now voting on what PvP Server we are going to play on.
Facebook page: <LINK>


I will consume alot of time playing this game so you guys can feel safe with having a leader that stays.
It was along time ago I now had a good mmo to play again and Wildstar really really realllllyyy suits me.
I could say I could have a subscription for Wildstar just becuse of their housing, but gameplay-wise this
game is really something nice. People are new to the combat system with aiming and dont belive this game
has it all, but it does have it all. It takes some time to get into it if your not familiar with it but its basicly is
like Tera Online (it’s a free mmo if you dont want to pay for Wildstar monthly).

Short facts about me for people who dont know me:
Damaged my back about 3 years ago and have been home since then basicly (tried to work but didnt work out).
Going to a rehab for 6 weeks in August to see what there is to do with my back but will be home during the evenings.
And I’m 26 and live with my girlfriend who tune in on my live stream from time to time.
(She like Chua’s in Wildstar and played Popori in Tera Online).

Having this guild and making it serious, makes me wanna try focus on a webpage maby?
But I havn’t been working with doing that for along time, would be really nice if I could work something out.
Will probbly not be the best one but atleast I wouldn’t have paid someone ells to make it and now when open beta
is about to close. I would have alot of time getting into that, but I wont promies anything but it would be awesome.
And if you guys wanna help me out on it, it would be nice if you sent me a mail about it.

onsdag 7 maj 2014

Big good news!–Version 14.05.07

Last weekend I celebrate my brithday with family and friends at our place and 4 people was going to sleep over.
It was alot of fun and I didn’t get as drunk as last time haha, but still it was nice to see them again hehe.
The only uploaded picture I have on facebook that I can copy over here (to lazy to bring my phone here
and transfer some more pictures). So here it goes, I’m kinda wasted here haha


I did stream eariler that day, before they came over and alot of people came to the stream!
I guess it was becuse the titel “It’s my birthday today!” and one of my mods made this picture for me Ler

And it was Divrax who made the picture (one of my mods on the streams)


And this picture is totally remade!
This picture is from the start, a photo
that my mom took of me. And becuse
my girlfriend Caroline is called Monkey
Queen on the stream, he tought that making
me into a monkey aswell will suit well and it
was so funny to see the result haha XD
So nice, and this person is called either
Catman or Bobo, thanks for your fanart Ler




Don’t know if I have made an post about the update on any news on the rehab, that I’m going to for my back
for six weeks. I visit the place where I’m going to be at, and talked to a doctor who handle people who come
there with pain in their body. So he wanted to know how much pain I have and where in the back it is.
So I asked him when is all this going to start, and he said “I can’t say exactly 100% sure that you will begin in
August”. So thats good to finaly know when it starts Ler A few months left only and maby after that I can start
working slowly and see how it works out for me. Also going to try a machine with pads that i attach to
my back, that send small amount of voltage into my back and my nerves are going to react to it.
It will help with centering the pain to one of the cores of the damaged place.
And not make the pain goes into my full back when I have a hard time.
Sounds really good if it work ^^

And in around 1 month (alittle more) something awesome is going to happen, so have a look out here on
my blog. I will deliver more photos and stuff and hints about it when its getting closer. We are going to
buy something expensive, I can say that for now XD