MapleStory Finger Point

måndag 29 juli 2013

FixarJocke – Version 13.07.29

Time goes by really quick i would say, but also slow depening how you see it for my sake.
I’m thinking of my back atm with this situation and I have changed workplace so many times
in a short notice just becuse it might get better with a new work with diffrent kind of movements
while working that isn’t that bad. But nothing have been good enough for my back and I use now
a even better painkiller cream for my back (might need medicin like pills if it goes worse).

List of jobs i had in a short notice that i changed between:

  1. General Store
  2. Cleaner
  3. Logistics Department

But nothing is really okay for my back and all the switching without giving my back a rest before
i start on another place is just starting on the wrong step. Becuse I cant really work as I should
do becuse of the pain that holds me back. The worst case scenario was now on the last job.
So i couldn’t stay for long and now I’m home again untill my doctor and some other people
is back from their vacation, so we all can have a meeting. I am an employee of the company
Samhall who find companies that are adapted to their disability. So they need to really focus
on my needs and see what I can do and not.

Some I've talked to have suggested telephone support service so I'm open to it.
But it is their (Samhall) responsibility to find one for me so I can manage to take care of a job.
And not cry after the working day when I go home or when I’m at work or trying to outstand
the pain untill i finnish off work. So for another 1 month now I will be home resting and trying
not to think lot about work, money, how everything will solve or so, becuse I will only be really
sad and down if I go around and think about those problems. But I wont stand there with no
money atleast, their system is good enough to help people like me but I really want to do those
6 or 8 hours per day 4 or 5 times a week. So i can earn the big money again like before..

Really like this song!!

Well well time will tell and i try enjoy myself with stuff I like and I kinda got into playing SWTOR
again, and it feels good to play with my old swedish gaming friends while doing it. So atm we are
3 people doing it and trying to get a fourth guy to come along. And also I think alot about streaming
again but I’m not ready at all atm, it is alot going on even if these days are no plans at all but in my
head it’s like thousand pieces apart and I need to fix it before doing anything ells that can burden me.

Alot of people have said stuff like: “ofc we understand, take your time” and its nice for them to wait
untill its all good again. I try to stay happy and have the strength to held my head up high even if it’s
really hard. Thats why I play alot and just do stuff that I really like and escape abit from the reality.

If anyone have any questions you can type them in the left side on this blogpage.
The textbox is “Question box” and you guys that read this blog can ask what ever you want.
You can be anonymous also if you do want to, personal questions are the most funny ones to answer.
Don’t be shy and just go ahead and ask anything about anything Skrattar

tisdag 16 juli 2013

FixarJocke – Version 13.07.16

Those days back when I started streaming daily it was so much fun and all I wanted was to
do it as much as i could. And i think i reached my limit, too much of the good stuff and I feel
abit stressed out becuse I need to start it becuse thats what I do, everyday!
I really love the interaction with viewers, discussions we have and the stories we share
and give each other, tips to do IRL if something is messed up. My channel on twitch is just
more than gaming and I love it! Thats the goal I wanted it to be. Mission Complete!
Well I kinda want to take a break from streaming so I can rest for abit.
So much going on IRL with knowing what my job is going to be like becuse the tasks is
changing, becuse I could handle the other stuff I did before. But they dont want me to
leave so they change the things i can do so I can stay. I must have made a good impression.
I have ideas on my YouTube channel to try making vlogs and showing some IRL stuff and
make my channel there going better. Adding stuff like LP’s and such but it’s alot to prepare
and when do I have the time? I just dont..
I read the comments on this music video, sad that he died.. he had a lovely voice!
Things that happend from last post is that we now have paid our trip to Thailand and this time
we wont go there alone. Both Caroline’s mom and my mom is going to share the trip with us.
And I have never made anything fun I would say more then once a cinema movie or so, but no
bigger things like this. So I really looking forward for this, and my mom have never been to Asia.
It all started that Caroline wanted her mom to come with us, and then I though but then my mom
should come along and it was all set after that. So it’s going to be alot of fun and i promies I will
take pictures and do some vlogs even though I wont be able to upload them when im there but
I will edit and make a nice vid when I come back Ler Long time though untill the trip, its in January.

måndag 8 juli 2013

FixarJocke – Version 13.07.07

Hey everyone..
This last friday wasn’t good at all with the result of what the day gave me.
I went to the doctor and she was more then happy then usual, she was going to travel by car all around
the world for 2 weeks. So she was abit hyped haha, but when I left that place i went home with papers
that said that i should be home from work to rest for two weeks. And I have diffrent opinions on being
home when my back is like this. For starters I would like to work but I really can’t and that makes me
so sad, becuse I want to earn money and stuff. Money is always needed but it’s not that I lack of it
anyway. The other way to see it, is that I feel that I can actually charge my battery so it will be alittle
bit better later on when these two weeks have bein (if it’s enough).

But my plan is now to try get a hang on a person that might fix another job that is more suited for me.
Becuse I can’t work around with my body and I have actually faced the fact even though in my brain
saying it’s just so weird. I have no idea how my life will turn out to be or what I will work with later
on in my life. The only thing I know is that Caroline stands by my side and that helps me alot,
becuse for example I can’t really do alot of householding stuff..
But I do try and help as much as I can when needed.

Havn’t heard this one before! Kinda nice, though alot of comments: “We want the old Miley back!”. I guess everyone change by time. Didn’t she work for Disney Channel for abit with some shows and music for it?

I should be going to bed a long time ago, gym later on today,  cya!
I have been awake for more then two days now I think lol.

onsdag 3 juli 2013

FixarJocke – Version 13.07.03

Swedish music~

Sometimes life is alot harder than it sounded like when you wore younger…
Everything is surrounded by having a job and do it to 100% and what if you can’t do that?
Well it got alot harder and people dont understand how hard it is for me when backpain doesn’t show that well.
I’m soon going to a meeting and that person is handling my case, never meet her and i hope this go good becuse
I’m about to burst out in tears. I really think now I can’t work at all and when I know my doctor said:
“It’s not going to be good ever but it can feel alittle better just with training”.
And I have felt that for some weeks, but one move and all goes down the drain…

I can probbly say if I didn’t have my girlfriend I would probbly considering this life being worth the time.
To feel like a outsider, 25 years old guy with already backpain, a person who can’t even work like normal
people do. MAKES ME SO FUCKING SAD! I’m about to start crying but i save that for the meeting if
I can’t hold it in abit more. When friends around me are down I always say, cry if you feel like it dont hold it in,
but I guess you make your thing/decision when needed. Either they need to fix me another job so I can feel some
joy and not almost start crying after work every single day or they need to fix so I can get money in another way.
Becuse I really want to live a life without pain (dont want to use painkiller medicin all the time like i do).

Listen to this song and feel abit better becuse I like it even if the words isn’t that joyful or nice.
And another thing that makes me feel better alot is to dissapear into the gaming world so I almost can think about
something ells about the pain. Thank you my viewers and my internet friends that make it alot better in my life.
You really have a big part in my life Ledsen

*ok couldn’t hold it in.. sigh..*