Sometimes life is alot harder than it sounded like when you wore younger…
Everything is surrounded by having a job and do it to 100% and what if you can’t do that?
Well it got alot harder and people dont understand how hard it is for me when backpain doesn’t show that well.
I’m soon going to a meeting and that person is handling my case, never meet her and i hope this go good becuse
I’m about to burst out in tears. I really think now I can’t work at all and when I know my doctor said:
“It’s not going to be good ever but it can feel alittle better just with training”.
And I have felt that for some weeks, but one move and all goes down the drain…
I can probbly say if I didn’t have my girlfriend I would probbly considering this life being worth the time.
To feel like a outsider, 25 years old guy with already backpain, a person who can’t even work like normal
people do. MAKES ME SO FUCKING SAD! I’m about to start crying but i save that for the meeting if
I can’t hold it in abit more. When friends around me are down I always say, cry if you feel like it dont hold it in,
but I guess you make your thing/decision when needed. Either they need to fix me another job so I can feel some
joy and not almost start crying after work every single day or they need to fix so I can get money in another way.
Becuse I really want to live a life without pain (dont want to use painkiller medicin all the time like i do).
Listen to this song and feel abit better becuse I like it even if the words isn’t that joyful or nice.
And another thing that makes me feel better alot is to dissapear into the gaming world so I almost can think about
something ells about the pain. Thank you my viewers and my internet friends that make it alot better in my life.
You really have a big part in my life
*ok couldn’t hold it in.. sigh..*
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