do it as much as i could. And i think i reached my limit, too much of the good stuff and I feel
abit stressed out becuse I need to start it becuse thats what I do, everyday!
I really love the interaction with viewers, discussions we have and the stories we share
and give each other, tips to do IRL if something is messed up. My channel on twitch is just
more than gaming and I love it! Thats the goal I wanted it to be. Mission Complete!
Well I kinda want to take a break from streaming so I can rest for abit.
So much going on IRL with knowing what my job is going to be like becuse the tasks is
changing, becuse I could handle the other stuff I did before. But they dont want me to
leave so they change the things i can do so I can stay. I must have made a good impression.
I have ideas on my YouTube channel to try making vlogs and showing some IRL stuff and
make my channel there going better. Adding stuff like LP’s and such but it’s alot to prepare
and when do I have the time? I just dont..
I read the comments on this music video, sad that he died.. he had a lovely voice!
we wont go there alone. Both Caroline’s mom and my mom is going to share the trip with us.
And I have never made anything fun I would say more then once a cinema movie or so, but no
bigger things like this. So I really looking forward for this, and my mom have never been to Asia.
It all started that Caroline wanted her mom to come with us, and then I though but then my mom
should come along and it was all set after that. So it’s going to be alot of fun and i promies I will
take pictures and do some vlogs even though I wont be able to upload them when im there but
I will edit and make a nice vid when I come back
Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.
SvaraRaderaMan, if you have REACHED your limit and want a break, have as long off as you want. Things like this should not feel boring and stressy. But I do hope That You do stream a couple times in the 6 week holiday so I can stay up late for it! I hope you have a good break, and stay off as long as you want. Anyway, I look forward to the vlog crap, and the youtube LPs!
SvaraRaderaThanks Kane, I will come back with a BIGBANG! :]
RaderaDammit Kane, i don't know what to write now, you said all the stuff i wanted to say. Well, i'm looking forward to have a fresh Fixar streaming at some point! But remember... I need to see your FACE again soon... Just kidding, i can wait as long as i need to!
SvaraRaderaThanks Myst! I hope to be back soon enough, really love streaming, I really do.. Lurve you man!
RaderaDen som väntar på något gott.... :)
SvaraRaderaAh dem väntar så länge det behövs tills allt känns bra igen, känns skönt att ha tittare som gärna vill att jag hellre mår bra än att jag kommer tillbaks medan jag mår dåligt.