MapleStory Finger Point

tisdag 3 december 2013

FixarJocke – Version 13.12.03

In the previous blogpost someone posted a comment “A livingroom without a tv and no sofa?”.
Well if you read the older posts it will basicly tell you that our living room was the last project we
wanna work on. It’s alot of work to redo a whole new appartment when we want our own style to it.
So I did answer your comment back with the answer here:

We want to redo the living room before getting too much stuff into the living room, just becue we had
to setup some new wallpapers. We do have a TV but its not setup in the living room. Just becuse we
dont have a sofa yet, thats why we dont want to put it there. So our television is in the bedroom,
perfect place if you wanna see a movie untill you get tired and you just want to turn it off and sleep instead.
We have now (since a couple of weeks back) wallpapers in the living room and we have ordered a sofa.
It was supposed to be here before christmas but they lied to us! So we got a discount on 400kr to payup
their mistake! (thats 61,32 USD if any american reads this). So after we come back from our Thailand trip,
we will get it shortly after that.
Hope that was a good answer to your question, becuse you did make questionmarks…

Here is a funny picture from 2 days ago when i woke up with a bad hairday.
I look like freak i know XD But anyway, what happend lately? Nothing much
really, life is a pain as usual but that comes with life itself. But there is stuff that
I look forward for, like our vacation in early January and having a complete
home with all the furnitures you need. But life overall is really good if i look
back on what I had, lets say 1 year ago. We had a really shitty appartment
that we rented, but now we own one instead (so much better in everyway).
This was only possible becuse we had to save as much money as possible
to make this dream come true. With the comment eariler i get abit confused
when people say stuff like that, becuse this appartment cost us over half a
milion. Money dont grow on trees as far as I know, tell me if im wrong please!


I will make a video or something when I have a home to show, becuse people would like to know.
But in one way I dont want to show all the things we have here, becuse of security reasons. It’s really easy
to find our adress and such just be searching for our names. So maby i can over some time show parts of it
but not in one video (hope you guys understand).

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