Huge update!
We went from 13.12.03 to 14.02.10 and now i’ll talk about the changelog.
- Christmas spent at our own home in our appartment
- New year was spent out on the countryside with alot of diffrent kind of people.
- Third of January was a day I was waiting for so long and it was time for vacation in Thailand for 2 weeks.
And the last thing will be explained in this text instead becuse I will be adding pictures here in the post aswell.
So lets take it in the same order as above.
Chrismas wasn’t planed out to be what we expected, we asked my mom and my brother and his girlfriend if they
would like to come and celebrate it here. But they had other plans, but some of my girlfriend’s family came over
and we ate some nice food and watched some on the TV programs that we in Sweden have related to celebrating.
Swedish tradition is to watch Mickey Mouses chrismas i belive the name is, here is a link to one of the parts of it
that i like ^^ Click here or click here for the full show if the link works –> Click here!
Chrismas was still nice and we didn’t think it would be as good as it was.
5 out of 5 stars i would say 
Newyear had come now and it was time to celebrate it with friends, atleast as i though it would be like.
I said around 6 months before to friends that me and my girlfriend was going to gather friends over to have a
party at our new appartment. We even had alot of stuff to serve like alcohol/liqour of diffrent kinds.
But they did need to bring their own stuff though but we had some to give to our guests hehe.
The thing was, none really said they could come and they might had other plans, and some said
its abit earily to say. So becuse none of 7-8 people said anything about they would like to come,
so we desided to go to a party on the countryside with alot of diffrent kind of people.
Was kinda fun, untill we was about to try get a ride home…
There was a guy who walked around there and tried slightly to start arguments and fights.
So what i saw infront of my eyes was that he fistbumped her on the shoulder and she did the same
but did it on his chest (not hard at all). But he wanted to start something, so he poured his alcohol over
her cloths and I stood for 3-4 secounds and though about what just happend. Then I raged abit inside and
walked over to him and said “Why did you do that? She did nothing wrong, what if i did that to you”.
I reached for his can to pour some over him, but he had a nice grip on it and he pushed me back abit
and said “Hey, take it easy” and some people made him leave the room instead of me and him starting
to fight. Later on i heard from my stephbrother who also was there that he tried to make him angry aswell.
So he was pissed and looked allover the place for him, but he left rightaway after i wanted to fight him.
What a chicken haha, start something and flee ^^ Enough about that, it was still a okay night, but there
was one unlucky girl, she got a firework rocket next to her ear, so people called for an ambulance
and her grandparents came aswell and she was gone ofc. Dont know if she got tinitus (lets not hope so).
So I have had been home soon for around 1½ year without going back to any work at all.
I kinda was in a state where i had a depressive disorder and almost got meds for it, but i refuse to get
any becuse I know that I will make it in the end. But later on I wanted it so badly but then they wouldn’t
give it to me. But lets go on, it was really hard for me and i needed a break from the daily life at home.
People telling me what I could alteast try to do at home to help my grilfriend and stuff, when doctors
i meet said diffrent things. It will heal over time, so you gotta outlast it, take it easy and it will be fine.
And some said train your body so it wont affect as much becuse your body is weak now.
I tried to workout for over 1 year with a trainer from the hospital and he gave me a good
training program. But it worked for some weeks and then I was down to zero again if I made one
wrong move or twist with my back. So all the training down the drain righaway..
So I needed to travel away from all and people could serve us instead of having my girlfriend
doing everything and I lay the daily stuff on her back. So it felt good for me also, and it was wounderful.
People from the place we was at last time remembered us and ofc the ladyboy did remember me haha.
We took our moms with us and it was fun, we did alot of traveling (basic tourist things) and it wasn’t really
camping on the hotel and take it easy, it was a rush of events to do but that gave us memories and experiance
to move around more than we did the first time we came to Thailand.
When we came home we started to count how much we could save up for this coming year of 2014.
Caroline want a car and a dog, and thats kinda expensive. But if we saved up enough we might be able
to get both things even if we have a bank loan and so on. And I said i might wanted to upgrade my computer
to another one, so my girlfriend can get the one i’m using right now. But it wasn’t really necessary to get her a
better computer this year for her sake (and i can last abit longer with this computer, so it was for her sake i was
thinking of). So now to the last part with pictures.
People asked us alot about if we are going to have a baby, but we are not in that stage of life to get one.
We rather focus more on yourself and travel and get things we would like to get before anything like that.
We would hafto save up really really long time to get stuff we want, and want to do if we would get a baby.
So my Caroline aka Monkey Queen said she rather get a dog instead of a baby and that could be our little baby.
And now we got ourself a puppy and we called him Max. If anyone would like to know why we choose that name
just comment and I’ll know what to write about in the next changelog. Here is some pictures of Max and by the way,
he is a “Japanese spitz” <- you can click the link if you would like to get more info about the breed.

When we picked Max up and went to his new home. He was very calm but did shake abit during the trip home.

Before he learn where to do his needs we had some newspaper on the floor just incase of accidents.
But now these 3 days he had been super good and I atleast belive he knows it’s outside and not on
a newspaper haha. So he really love to roll around in the snow, so fun seeing he play around.
But he kinda windup and is really hastey and it takes some time to calm him down even if
we go inside later on. So we kinda need to keep him steady and play but not too much haha.
Also he is so young, so he can’t do too much outside just yet (only about 10 weeks old now).
So longer walks and play around abit more lively later on when he grows up.

When I was out with my girlfriend, my brother and his girlfriend, Max did his first faceplant but I missed it.
Caroline saw it all and she burst out in tears and laughed becuse it looked so funny. He jumped off the
walkway brick down on the road with his face first as impact haha. So this is what he looked like when
we came home and I had to take a picture before Caroline washed it away haha 
It is really alot of running out now when he is a baby, becuse he cant last that long yet with his bladder.
Time will work that out, and we dont hafto go out around every hour as we do now. I wasn’t really
into getting a dog but Caroline was. So I said your taking the dog out and all that but I can help out
if needed but not that often and so on, becuse I dont really want a dog, but if you do i agree on it.
But it was alot more fun than i though it would be, so I do go out with him as i see it alot and wipe
off the paws from dirt and if they are wet from the snow/rain and such. But Caroline fix with the
water bowl and food walk with the dog abit more than me.
So as you already figured out, I had so much to do lately and I havn’t really felt that I had any
”freetime” as before becuse of everything is happening with a shortnotice from eachother.
And I kinda want to be prepared on stuff otherwise i could get nervous and my body just
dont like it, hate that feeling. So I kinda just noticed I havn’t update since a long time ago now,
so this is a short story about it all.
If you have anything to ask about my trip to thailand, why the name Max on the dog or anything at all.
Feel free to comment (you dont need to write your name if you dont want to). And for the record haha,
for the person who commented “Livingroom without a sofa and TV?” thats fixed aswell now