Times are getting harder by everyday that passes through. I do try my very best to stay strong
and take the day as it come. But more and more lately I have been thinking about the future about
my life in general with this back. I guess this rehab I went to, gave me a another view of what it might
be causing the pain to continue and why it’s not healed yet after this long time. I have so far only meet
this physiotherapist from the rehab and she noticed something kinda earily with the tests.
”Woah! Your really hypermobility when it comes to your fingers, leaning to the left, right, back
and probably forward. I do need to talk to a doctor about this, so we can do a closer look if thats
the case. Becuse that might be the thing why your back isn’t healing up as it should be. It should
have been good long time ago.. I will need to tell them about this”.
She said it might be an indication of EDS and thats “Ehlers–Danlos syndrome”.
If you want to search it up, go ahead there is ton of information that I already have been harvesting with fatcs.
You guys can search it up if you want. Though there is so many diffrent version / levels of it and as she said I
was hypermobility and thats not good at all. It’s negative in the long term becuse you move your body in
directions too far. And now when my back in not in a good shape, I belive it needs to “rest” from the
”wrong” movements I do. But anyway, if it really is EDS.. Then it wont be any better anyway.
When I wrote about the meeting on my Facebook, relatives agreed on the facts that everyone on my
moms side, is hypermobility in their bodys. But they are all fine, so its very common in our family it seems.
I think some might think I’m sad about the facts it might be EDS and if it is, there is no real cure.
So I shouldn’t really go on the internet and read about the facts and try tell myself it MOST be it.
And just wait untill their tests are all good and see what they say about it.
The thing is that, I really hope this is the problem. Becuse then they finaly found it and people can understand
my situation more clearly. Becuse sometimes I have this feeling people might think I’m just lazy, and that will
prove them even more wrong. I try my very best and I try stand strong against all those brick walls im rushing
into kinda often. So today and yesterday I felt abit down and eariler I express myself infront of a player on
Damnation (thats where I play MineCraft at). He said, he was sorry to hear that and hopes it will turn out
good in the end. But he did understand what i ment with this indication of EDS.
If this isn’t EDS, what is it then? Whats the problem? Why isn’t my back healing as it should be doing?
Will they say “There is nothing wrong with you!” when there is a big problem with my back. I’m just a
big questionmark right now and hope these days just pass quickly. Becuse I do want to know what it is,
and all people around me. And also those at my work, they want me to get better before I come back.
So they can setup a new working place for me (that will suit my body good enough if I can handle it).
Jag ser det som en positiv sak att man lägger märke till små faktorer redan tidigt i testen. Ju tidigare man lägger märke till det detsto mer kan man faställa om det är så, eller räkna bort den faktorn och fortsätta till nästa. Om inte annat så uppfattar jag det verkligen som att de tar det på allvar och det är verkligen bra för din del! Får hoppas att de hittar lösningen snart så att de kan börja åtgärda det snarast.
SvaraRaderaJag lider verkligen med dig och jag tänker på dig ofta! Men jag är säker på att du tar dig igenom detta även om de skulle ta lång tid. Du är en stark människa Joacim och det har du alltid varit. Detta är ännu ett hinder i din väg att ta dig förbi. När du gör det så kommer du bli ännu starkare.
Jag sänder stora styrkekramar till dig mitt i min hemtentamen. Hur mycket studier jag än har att ta itu med så känner jag att jag alltid ändå har/kan ta mig tid till de som betyder mest för mig.