Old picture of me, it suited for the subject I’m about to write about.
Thoughts can mess you around, making your life a rollercoaster (ha-ha-ha).
I just saw a clip on facebook about a guy who talk about life, hard times,wealth and stuff to achieve in life.
And the only thing I do know, is that my goal in life will be to spend my last time living in Thailand, thats my goal.
Buy a house even if I can’t own the plot (only thai people can) and just relax and live all good. Time will tell if
it’s still a paradise down there in like 20-30 years from now. But leaving Sweden for a warmer place is something
I would like to do, and both me and Caroline just love Thailand and the people. I had that goal in life to move there
even before I went there, and still after being there total of 4 weeks in these 2 years I still know thats my last goal.
In fact thats my only goal in life beside living with Caroline ofc.
And for you guys who asks “What about Caroline, do she want to live there later on?”
Answer: She do want to move there after being there 2 times, she love that place and
she can relax there to 100% and she is sooo happy when we had our vacation there.
To achieve that goal is “only” to save money and why not start saving now?
If I will start saving *counting* 1000 SEK every month untill I’m 50 (24 years remaning) I will
have 288.000 SEK and thats only from me. And I just saw alot of houses around the price we
paid for this appartment. So thats just awesome, save abit more than that per month and it would
be no problem later on to buy something. Also selling our appartment when the time is in, will provide
with alot of cash aswell. So buying an appartment is really an invenstment if you can, one of the only
good things in life to take a bankloan for. A goal to aim for, but there is also one thing about saving
money. Saving money means, I gotta have work that I can handle for those years and that is still a
problem today for me. It’s now 4 days untill a doctor meeting in a town nearby (takes maby 1 hour
drive to that hospital) and I don’t know what they will be talking about still, so as I have said before…
I’m still a questionmark and try to do my best not to worry about things right now becuse it might
be in vain in the end afterall. My girlfriend thinks its unfair I get money and have so much “freetime”
and she works 6 nights a week and get just abit more than me. So works hard and get low paid
and I dont work at all and get super low amount of money. Ofc she knows it’s all becuse of my
injury I can’t work but she wish she had the time I have to do things.
If I could trade my injury and all the times I go around and think about life, people working
and not me, I would trade it for a normal back and go back and working 8 hours per day
5 times a week. But you never get what you wish for, so better off not wishing for anything.
Go with the flow but still have goals in life is probbly the best way to see things.
It’s 8 days left until I turn 26 and that makes me think of, soon 30…
Well thats true! I’m closer to 30 than 20 now, so yeah.. I don’t see that as a positive thing at all.
Playing 50 cent song: ”I’m getting old in here, so..” erhm.. wrong lyrics, nevermind! :P
Made this short clip of all the videos I had on my mobilephone and added music my friend made.
So if you wanna hear more from him visit the link on the youtube clip info tab or just search for: Solestia
on youtube. Really nice music and i recommend you to sub his channel <3