Hey everyone!
I just want to keep you guys updated about my life, I know some of you check my blog to have a closer look what’s
happening in my life. I woke up two days ago with torticollis/stiff neck and I have no freaking idea why I got it but
damn what it hurts! So I took a small break from the computer these days and have just bein resting in my bed and
I called in “sick” for the workout I do twice a week (becuse there was no way I could have workout with that neck).
So tomorrow on Thursday I will give it a go and do my best even if I’m not 100% back to normal..
*Phsss, Whispering* – Is Fixar normal? I didnt know that Fixar was normal.. hmm..
This is my favorite song of all time and have bein for some years now. What do you think about it? Isn’t nice?
Each day is another story in my life and I try to not focus to much about the bigger problems in my current situation
with not be able to work. But everything will be fine in the end, I do my best and try work with my inner strength to
keep the mood up and try to hold my head up high with a smile. I have done a lot of progress with it comes to
handling my worries about stuff and im proud of myself in one way. I really need to focus on the good stuff and not
the negative parts that might show up, no need to waste energy on that!
So good parts! First of all here is a short story of how all started turning all good!
Almost daily, me and my grilfriend talk about how happy we are in life and how everything have been working out
for us. We both lived with our mothers and she moved halfway and so did I, so she found an appartment and she
knew i wanted to move out asap. So the question was brought up quickly if i wanted to move in with her.
My answer was of course: YES! YES! YES! The problem was, she had a work (and still have) but I didn’t…
So it took some months and after I got some special codes on employment agency register about having dyslexia,
unstable with all the darkness and sadness I have in my backpack with my father. So I got a couple of codes that
would help me out with finding a job (some workplaces rather take those than “normal ones” for some reason).
So basicly if your a mess, you will get help in Sweden and if your so called “normal” with no issues, you will have
a really hard time finding a job by yourself. IF, you dont have contacts of course!
It didn’t take long untill I got myself a work and one year or so, after I started working for Samhall I damaged my
back. During this time me and my girlfriend had saved up money enough to buy an appartment, becuse there was
so much issues with the appartment that we didn’t see from the start. Leaking in water from the skylight at two
diffrent windows in the ceiling. Our freezer was outside our door, so anyone could have taken our food or so 
And the basin was not attached good enough, so it was leaking under that place also and alot more to it.
There was also black mold all over the windows and probbly behind the walls. We lived there for around 2½
year untill we had enough and got this appartment finaly!
So now when we have moved, we can now save alot of money each month becuse we dont need to save for
taking a bank loan anymore. Well now we need to save the extra money to pay the loan back, but that is not
going to be a problem as long as we get any sort of income. We feel that we are rich and all, but we arn’t haha.
Low income on both of us but we try keep all the bills down, and save the rest for stuff we really want or want to do.
People around us tell us, isn’t time to get a tiny little monster that screams and all?
Yeah a baby/scream machine/poo splasher, and we kinda feel that we dont want to have one.

This is what we are looking for! <Pomeranian - Click here>Well there is diffrent shapes of colours and all but something like this.
Caroline do want to have a dog, so that will be our little baby I guess.
We wanted to let my “fan-base” of viewers on the stream to choose between the
names that we all make up. But in the end we will be the one picking it of the
suggestions. We had a few in mind but I dont remmber them at all right now.
It’s around 1 year from now untill it’s going to happen. anyway.
And something we did last year was going to Thailand and this year we are going there again! And it does feel
weird to be able to go once again. I have never had any good amount of money before but I guess it’s my time to
shine and have fun and experience stuff in life. I could never forseen all of this but I enjoy every single second of it.
And my best friend from Malaysia asked if we could visit him soon, and we will try to visit him next year around
december if it goes as planned. So you guys kinda get the picture I can’t wait untill it’s time to fly 12-13 hours all
around the world to asia and same time all the way back after spending 2 weeks there.
I write things here now of things im happy about at the moment and I hope you guys feel that I’m not just writing
all this just to brag or something. If you do know me, you should only feel happy for me and let me have fun while
I can before something turns up and life takes another turn. When you put yourself out here on the Internet people
love to interact and try to make smaller subjects to big ones or just like to make the author of the post angry or so.
Been so many times I get negative comments or just mean things. But I dont really care about those kind of people,
and also! If they want to spend time reading all this, its their loss becuse they waste their time here 
Maby I can give them a laugh atleast?
Well if you guys want to comment and give advice on names on a puppy go ahead!
People call me Fixar, my brother Vixar and maby the puppy can have something similar? ^^